Monday, 20 August 2012

DSDN112 Project 1 Object Description


The most important part of my project is how I let people behave in the way I want, which is relating to the trust. Therefore, I need to make people believe something else is something.

My object consists of four exactly same plastic bottles and one rectangular plastic box.

The four same plastic bottles are filled up with  four  different color and flavor of drinkable liquid, and the other plastic box is filled with real water.

Secondly, I make a non-transparent plastic cover wrapped around the  four  same plastic bottles. And I place the  four  plastic bottles into the plastic box, which is  four  times as one plastic bottle mentioned. Moreover, I will let the plastic cover leave a gap at the bottom of the plastic box in order to make sure people can see the water inside.

Thirdly, 12 straws are plugged through the same number of holes I made on the top of the plastic box. Some straws are really led into the four plastic bottles while the other are into the bottom of the plastic box just for cheating.

Basically, people would taste different flavor and color of drinks through all the 12 straws. They would consider that interesting since they are only allow to see gaps around the bottom of the whole object, which is the real water.

This object combines our vision with taste, which is to surprise the potential users, who are likely played tricks. The tricks are transferred into visually expectation, which is not going to interactively work as what people expect at all. So I want to emphasize the idea that do not throw 100 percent trust to what you see, by playing around the sense of vision and taste.

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