Friday 5 October 2012

DSDN 112 Project 2 PartA Final - 200 words


I am kind of person who is just lack of sense of direction, so I would really appreciate if someone could lead me all the way. Instead of finding a reliable person to count on when I am lost, I think it would be better to have a tool that is willingly guide me all the time.

A navigating tool seems to be so important since there are so many buildings out there and inside it is just like a maze. Personally, I have been lost in Kelburn campus in many different ways, and a navigating tool for me is almost like a hope.

For my Path Finder, I focus on making it more friendly and thoughtful, thus I do not want add too many irrelevant functions, which could only complicate the app. Pathfinder is expert on finding ways anywhere within Kelburn campus, every user would be treated as kids by this useful app.

The start page leads users to a simple homepage of composition of “room search” bar and a top view campus map. If taking a close look, there are quite a few of functional buttons. First of all, a triangle button on the right top, users would find their own location by tapping it. After making sure own location, go to the search bar and type into the location you are particularly looking at, and tap the search icon. It would take few seconds to route the way between you and your destination.

After finishing locating the destination building, users are allowed to tap on the building’s icon in order to see detailed map of the certain level. From the top view, users can clearly see the information of this level especially where the stairs or elevator are, as well as a little pop up window, which shows how many level the building is.   

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