Wednesday 13 March 2013

MDDN 241 Project 1 - Final 3 Concepts and Precedents Image

Damien Hirst

My first concept is based on "For the Love of God", which inspired me of that we are not seeing every object as its nature, because we are normally misled by what it looks like. Therefore, I came up with this idea, which we take for granted for its transparent form without thinking of what is actually inside. I gradually reveal my object inward looking by object's own transformation, and try to narrate the truth of nature.

László Moholy-Nagy

Concept 2 is also referred to nature-to-face, what happen in lower sphere actually reflects to upper sphere, which means the smaller is determined the bigger. In other words, what we can see is only the reflection and shadow of the nature. However, when the surface is carrying on too much, it sometimes would refuse to respond to the original, then ends up as revenge.

Damien Hirst

Concept 3 is about expansion. The core object absorbs every smaller object all around in order to meet up its desire of expanding. It constantly draws everything could reach and never feels satisfaction. Eventually, it is over burdened and ends up with explosion.

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