Tuesday 19 March 2013

MDDN 251 Project 1 PROPOSAL

MDDN 251 Project 1 PROPOSAL
by Xiaofeng Huang (300263105)

Topic of Focus
I opened the three electronic products were a teddy bear with a cute button light, an alarm clock and a solar garden light. Although they are simple structure electronic produces, but open them up seems like lead me entering an unknown world. Then, I have a great idea when I fiddle with them. But I always ignore the other ideas when I had a good one, unless that idea fails I will never give.

In ancient China, the ancestors know the time by the position of the sun. Today we know the time by a variety of watch or clock. I want to design an object that can combine the timing ideas of ancient and modern together and cause people to reflect. This could be considered the first step after I known the critical design. I would like to focus on the mode of interaction.

Production Focus
I will focus on two electronic products I already have and to make ​​a clock can be light control. It sounds not difficult, and the mass productions of solar alarm clock are all around the world. But I think the product I going to design can control clock hand to move forward or backward walking or accelerated running. Specifically, when the light is on the clock hand clockwise walk; when light is off clock hand counterclockwise walk. Some more detail, such as when the light clock lasted 20 seconds when the clock hand will slowly accelerate, when clock hand keep running until one hundredth circle it will suddenly stopped, then the alarm rang. They are not random every detail is meaningful.

Hardware and components that will be use
Clock (clock cores); Solar panels; Battery (Normal, rechargeable); The bulb (several); Circuit board; Alarm; Wire



- First Project start: March 5
Three different interface models or modes of interaction
Finalized research proposal: March19
- Process the topic and execute design
- Easter Break
- Presentation of functional prototype in class: April 16
- Documentation materials due on hand-ins drive: April 18

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